Man adrenal dashboard

Balance the hormones that control your stress response

Adrenal fatigue is one of the most under diagnosed illnesses in western society, and is estimated to affect 80% of adults.

Stress is part of everyday life and how you respond to it has a significant effect on your health. The most common daily stressors often go unnoticed and include lack of sleep, work overload, poor diet, too much caffeine and alcohol and not enough exercise. That's why we've designed this simple adrenal fatigue test which you can do at home.

Refer to our demo for an example set of test results.


The adrenal glands regulate your body’s response to stress, and if you’re under chronic stress they can become exhausted - this is evident when measuring your cortisol and DHEA hormones with this adrenal fatigue test. The most common signs of adrenal fatigue include exhaustion, insomnia, depression, anxiety, sugar and/ or salt cravings, weight problems, decreased sex drive, more prone to colds and flu, and less tolerance to stress. Check out our blog for more information.

What we test

Adrenocortex Stress Profile

Measuring the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA-S with this adrenal fatigue test provides an assessment of how well you manage and internalise stress. These hormones must be in proper balance with each other for optimal health, and an imbalance can be caused by prolonged stress. Cortisol levels naturally fluctuate throughout the day and so 4 samples need to be collected to show your body's cortisol rhythm.

This adrenal fatigue test is a saliva hormone test which measures:

Cortisol levels are generally high in the morning as we wake from a prolonged period of sleep, with an increase of up to 50% in the first half an hour after waking. This is known as the ‘cortisol awakening response’.

As the day progresses cortisol levels naturally begin to drop in a fairly constant and regular fashion that is termed a diurnal rhythm, ending up as low in the late evening.

As the day progresses cortisol levels naturally begin to drop in a fairly constant and regular fashion that is termed a diurnal rhythm, ending up as low in the late evening.

Cortisol levels drop very low in the evening and during the early phase of sleep which allows the body to keep a regular sleeping pattern.

A steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response stress. The hormone is secreted in a daily pattern rising in the early morning, peaking around 7am, and declining in the evening.

A long-acting adrenal hormone which regulates energy production, the immune system, brain chemistry, bone formation, muscle tone and libido.

Since cortisol and DHEA have opposing effects, they should be viewed together as a ratio.

Test instructions

Your test kit and all instructions are posted directly to you, and there is no need to visit a collection centre.

Provide x 4 saliva adrenal fatigue test samples at set times during the day.

Mail your sample back to the lab according to the instructions provided with your kit

Results for this test available in 2-4 weeks depending on region and will be published in your online dashboard.

Ready. Set. Go!
Buy now for $230 NZD

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