This test covers an extensive 111 genes, and 129 SNP’s across various health categories including Digestion, Energy, Hormones, Stress & Cognitive Performance, Inflammation & Longevity, Athletic Performance, DNA Protection & Repair (methylation), and Detoxification. This test is performed by a NATA accredited laboratory.
The Platinum Check is our most comprehensive panel of tests which provides deep insights into your cardiovascular, nutritional, hormonal and gut health. We've combined this panel with the myDNA Comprehensive Wellness Report for extensive genetic based insights into your overall health and wellbeing.
Hormones exert powerful effects on the female body and have a significant role to play in the body's health and wellbeing. Understanding these roles is important if you’re seeking to proactively manage your health.
If you’re looking for our most comprehensive assessment of your thyroid function, including reverse T3, then this thyroid antibodies test and thyroid function test is the blood test for you.
As well as analysing your beneficial and pathogenic bacteria, our comprehensive microbiome test also includes testing for parasites and yeast overgrowth, and also provides an assessment of your digestive markers. This holistic picture provides actionable insights to help you improve your gut health.
How often do you get your car serviced? And how often do you give yourself a full work up? This comprehensive blood test covers the essentials and ensures you're doing more than just kicking the tyres when it comes to your health.
The Cortisol Awakening Response saliva test provides information about the body's natural cortisol rhythms and response to stress, which may be useful in understanding various physical and mental health conditions.
Find out your genetic methylation profile with this simple cheek swab test. Your methylation profile reveals how your body manages critical functions like detoxification, hormone balance, and energy production.
In today's hectic world, are you looking after yourself? Whatever stage of life you're at, this complete and comprehensive blood test covers the essentials to help give you peace of mind when it comes to your health.
NAD is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism, especially in processes like energy production and DNA repair.
50% of people who develop cardiac disease have ‘normal’ cholesterol. A traditional LDL blood test doesn't measure small dense LDL particles, which can hide behind normal cholesterol and increase the risk of heart attack.
Many nutrients are absolutely essential for good health. It's possible to get most of them from a balanced, real food-based diet, however the typical modern diet lacks several very important nutrients. Find out your nutritional status with this simple nutrition blood test.
Copper and zinc are essential nutrients in our body and they work together. There are many problems that can occur if we have a copper and zinc imbalance.
B vitamins are important for the nervous system and brain function as well as a healthy liver, hair, skin and eyes. They also strengthen the immune system.
In today's hectic world, are you looking after yourself? Whatever stage of life you're at, this comprehensive blood test covers the essentials to help give you peace of mind when it comes to your health.
How often do you get your car serviced? And how often do you give yourself a full work up? This comprehensive blood test covers the essentials and ensures you're doing more than just kicking the tyres when it comes to your health.
If you’re looking for a comprehensive assessment of your thyroid function, including an investigation of an underlying autoimmune disorder, then this combined thyroid antibodies test and thyroid function test is the blood test for you.
Hormones are a vital part of the body's overall health. The work that hormones do is subtle yet when they fall out of balance, the effects on your health can be significant.
One in six couples struggle to conceive. As well as making sure your body is in good physical shape you can improve your chances of conceiving with a simple fertility test.
There are medical explanations and labels for many gut problems, but the big exception is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Since many gut disorders have similar symptoms to IBS, ruling out a more serious underlying gut disease is an important first step.
1 in 7 people live with a thyroid condition with symptoms ranging from low energy and depression to unexplained weight gain and insomnia. If you don’t feel right but you can’t put your finger on why, this simple thyroid test can tell you if it's your thyroid.
The full blood count can be used to determine general health status and to screen for a variety of disorders such as anaemia and infection, as well as nutritional status and exposure to toxic substances. Abnormalities in any of these types of cells can indicate the presence of important medical disorders.
Over 30% of adults are estimated to be vitamin D deficient which can cause muscle weakness and fatigue. This simple vitamin D test will tell you if you have a deficiency.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem in New Zealand. A shortage of iron leads to anaemia and feelings of weakness, tiredness and dizziness.
The liver is one of the largest organs in the body which has many important metabolic functions. Get an insight into how your lifestyle may be impacting your liver function, and stop liver disease becoming part of your future.
One New Zealander dies every 25 minutes from kidney related disease known as the silent killer. You can lose up to 90% of your kidney function before experiencing any symptoms.
Some gut problems can be a consequence of an undetected gut infection. A significant number of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) cases could actually be due to undiagnosed gut pathogens such as Blastocystis hominis and Dientamoeba fragilis.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacteria that infects the stomach, and is now known to be a major cause of peptic ulcer disease. One third of New Zealanders are believed to carry the bug, but many don’t realise they have it.
Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten that can cause severe digestive problems. It affects 1 in 100 New Zealanders who are mostly diagnosed in adulthood.
Cytokines are small proteins that play a crucial role in the immune system and are involved in a wide range of physiological processes, including inflammation, cell growth and differentiation, and tissue repair.
When the lining of the intestine and gut microbiome are compromised, unwanted substances can cross the barrier into the blood and activate an immune response in a condition known as 'leaky gut' or 'intestinal permeability'.
Adrenal fatigue may be one of the most under diagnosed condition in western society. This adrenocortex stress test assesses your response to stress and provides valuable insights to help you balance your hormones.
Sleep is vital to good health. A lack of sleep affects mood, concentration, memory, weight and quality of life. This sleep test assesses the hormones which influence your sleep patterns.
As much as half of the population may have an MTHFR gene test mutation which may cause anxiety, insomnia, fatigue and depression. Find out more with this simple cheek swab test.
Insulin resistance can lead to difficulty losing weight, distinct abdominal fat, fatigue, bloating and sugar cravings. Identifying insulin resistance early and committing to lifestyle changes can ultimately help the progression to diabetes.
The importance of homocysteine as a marker for health and wellbeing has recently become evident with elevated levels now recognised as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s.
If the small intestine becomes overgrown with bacteria it can lead to malabsorption of key nutrients and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Find out more with a simple breath test.
Hormones are a vital part of the body's overall health. The work that hormones do is subtle yet when they fall out of balance, the effects on your health can be significant. This saliva hormone test includes the 3 types of oestrogen, progesterone and also testosterone.
Calcium and phosphate work together to help build strong bones and teeth. An imbalance in these two minerals can cause bone weakness and increased risk of heart disease.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in the blood which is essential for life. However too much cholesterol can have a serious effect on your health as it increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Patients with coeliac disease almost always have specific variants of HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. These variants are necessary, but not sufficient, for the disease to occur.
The Methylation Pathways Check analyses key metabolic markers to reveal how your body manages nutrients, energy, and detoxification. Paired with the Genetic Methylation Check, this test provides a comprehensive view of your current metabolic health, complete with personalised recommendations.
Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in New Zealand but it is a preventable disease and easy to predict. This simple diabetes test highlights whether your lifestyle or physiology put you at risk.
Type 2 diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in New Zealand but it is a preventable disease and easy to predict. This simple diabetes test highlights whether your lifestyle or physiology put you at risk.
If you’ve already had a thyroid function test and are looking simply to test your thyroid antibodies to investigate an underlying autoimmune disorder, then this thyroid antibodies test is for you.
There are medical explanations and labels for many gut problems, but the big exception is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Since many gut disorders have similar symptoms to IBS, ruling out a more serious underlying gut disease such as inflammatory bowel disease is an important first step.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in the blood which is essential for life. However too much cholesterol can have a serious effect on your health as it increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
Pancreatic insufficiency is the inability to properly digest food due to a lack of digestive enzymes. This can cause health issues such as diarrhoea, gas, bloating and stomach pain.
Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) is a marker associated with ovarian reserve. Decreased levels of AMH may indicate low ovarian reserve, whilst increased levels of AMH is often seen with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
The most advanced strategy for coronary risk assessment is a ‘multi-marker’ approach which combines several risk factors, rather than only measuring the traditional markers of high blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking and diabetes.
Trying to conceive can be a very frustrating experience with one in six couples struggling to fall pregnant. As well as making sure your body is in good physical shape you can improve your chances of conceiving by checking whether you are ovulating with a simple ovulation test.
If you're experiencing signs of malabsorption, stomach cramps, weight loss, malnutrition, or loose fatty stools, then pancreatic insufficiency could be to blame. Pancreatic insufficiency is the inability of the pancreas to deliver enough digestive enzymes to break down food in the intestine so it can be absorbed.
Uncover your true biological age with our PhenoAge Blood Biomarker Test, a scientifically validated method that uses nine key blood markers to provide personalised insights into your health and aging.
Some gut problems can be a consequence of an undetected worm infection. This is the most comprehensive worm stool test available in NZ and uses advanced PCR technology to maximise detection.
Autoimmune diseases affect around 5% of people and are one of the most important health issues in Australia and New Zealand. There are over 80 different autoimmune diseases ranging from common to very rare.
The panel is a comprehensive collection of microbial targets as well as immune, inflammation and digestive markers. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites.
Complex ecosystems of microbes live in the female reproductive tract. A disruption in this ecosystem, usually a deficiency of 'good' bacteria and an overgrowth of 'bad' bacteria, can result in infection and unwanted symptoms.
The Organic Acids Metabolomic Profile is a nutritional test providing insights into organic acids and a view into the body's cellular metabolic processes.
Pathology panel required for the Metabolic Balance personalised nutrition analysis. *Note this blood test does not include the program which can be requested separately from a certified Metabolic Balance practitioner.
After receiving the results of your Genetic Methylation Check, myDNA Comprehensive Wellness Report, or DNA Diet Check , you may want to consider a nutritional assessment of your results by a Clinical Nutritionist.
After receiving the results of your health check (particularly the Microbiome Check, Nutrition Check or SIBO Check), you may want to consider a nutritional assessment of your results by a Clinical Nutritionist.
Nutritional medicine is the study of the relationship between food and a healthy body. It involves analysing how nutrients are processed, stored and discarded by your body, and explores how what you eat affects your overall well-being.
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. When detected early survival rates are over 98%, but late diagnosis causes survival rates to drop below 26%.
The Biological Age saliva test calculates the true biological age of individuals by analysing the DNA methylation profiles of the human genome as a biomarker of the aging process.
Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the study of how genetic variations influence the way an individual responds to medications. PGx enables doctors to test for specific genetic changes to predict whether a patient may have a normal response, a poor response or a higher risk of side effects, before prescribing a specific medication. This test will indicate your suitability for a number of commonly prescribed cardiovascular medications.
Pharmacogenomics (PGx) is the study of how genetic variations influence the way an individual responds to medications. PGx enables doctors to test for specific genetic changes to predict whether a patient may have a normal response, a poor response or a higher risk of side effects, before prescribing a specific medication. This test will indicate your suitability for a number of commonly prescribed psychotropic medications.
Your body can't make omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids and these must come from the food you eat. These essential fatty acids play a critical role in brain function, and immune and inflammation responses.
Integrative Health goes beyond the traditional GP-patient model. It adopts a patient-centric approach that addresses the full range of physical, emotional, mental, social, spiritual and environmental influences proven to affect a person's health.
Uncover your true biological age with our PhenoAge Blood Biomarker Test, a scientifically validated method that uses nine key blood markers to provide personalised insights into your health and aging.
After receiving the results of your Genetic Methylation Check or myDNA Comprehensive Health Report, you may want to consider a teleconsult with our dietician for further interpretation and advice specific to your situation. (Please note this can only be ordered as an add on to a DNA Nutrition Assessment)
New Zealand has one of the highest rates of bowel cancer in the world - 1 in 18 Kiwi's will develop the disease in their lifetime. When identified early, 90% of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated.
Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that helps maintain healthy nerves and red blood cells and is also needed to make DNA. This simple vitamin B12 blood test will tell you if you have a deficiency.
PCOS is a surprisingly common condition believed to affect approx 10% of reproductive-aged women. This comprehensive hormone panel can provide further insights into women who may be suffering from PCOS.
Looking for something specific? Contact us for more info.